2024 Poetry Out Loud Competition - article thumnail image

Poetry Out Loud 2024

Our annual Poetry Out Loud competition took place on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 with participating candidates in grades 3-6.  Mrs. Martin took the lead and worked with each candidate to prepare for their memorization and dramatization of published poetry…
OC GRIP rewards students' goals! - article thumnail image

OC GRIP Angel Baseball Field Trip

Twenty students were nominated for an OC GRIP incentive field trip to visit the Angels Baseball Game. Students were treated to interviews by the baseball players and a viewing of a pre-game training session.  Students enjoyed the game that evening. G…
2024 Career Day Speakers - article thumnail image

2024 Career Day Guest Speakers

We are so thankful for our friends, family, and community volunteers who provided college and career chats with our students to build our awareness of GGUSD Goal 3: Lifelong Success. Our guests had a variety of experiences in areas that included: rad…
Los Amigos HS Latinos Unidos Club share Advocacy Lesson - article thumnail image

Los Amigos HS Latinos Unidos Club share Advocacy Lesson

As Newhope returned to create its Latinos Unidos club, our local high school Los Amigos' Latinos Unidos club of 60+ students came over to read stories about Cesar Chavez and provided lessons on using your voice for positive changes in your community.…
Students performance at Newhope Tet Celebration - article thumnail image

TET Celebration at Newhope

Our second graders learned a fan dance to introduce and celebrate the Lunar New Year known as "Tet". Led by our community liaison Mrs. Allyna Nguyen, students practiced and performed in front of the entire school. In addition, the performance team fr…
Disney Musical in Schools: The Lion King - Kids - article thumnail image

Disney Musical in Schools Production - The Lion King

Our student cast and teacher staff have spent numerous hours preparing for this week's performance of  "The Lion King, Kids" this coming weekend.  Tickets are on sale for $10 and there will be 3 performances: Friday, 2/16 at 6 PM, Saturday, 2/17 at 2…

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Newhope Families,


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope that you have had an enjoyable summer and relaxed with loved ones. I am delighted to welcome back our students and families. I had the pleasure of meeting many of you during Open House and I am honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with such a rich tradition! I am eager to get to know each and every one of you as we work together.


Our Newhope community is truly one of a kind and the partnership with our families is very crucial in providing your child the best educational experience. We value, appreciate, and seek out your involvement and collaboration for the success of your child. We will continue to provide opportunities for parents to participate in ELAC, SSC, Coffee with the Principal, PTO, Back to School Night, Open House, and many more events this year for parent involvement.  


Along with the teachers and staff, I will work hard to continue the legacy of success already established. I would especially like to thank Principal Avina for her steady and passionate leadership these past years and all she and the staff has done to ensure all students thrive.


As our partner in your child’s education, I am asking all parents to please help ensure your child(ren) is on-time daily. Our goal is to have all children present in school every day and on time. If your child needs to be out of school for any reason please make sure to call the office at (714) 663-6581. I look forward to working with you in a meaningful partnership towards your childs success.


A friendly reminder to please be sure to download the APP ParentSquare, as this is the primary way to receive the most updated district and school information for your child. Also, please be sure to complete data confirmation and update your emergency contacts through the Aeries Parent Portal. Our school office is always here to help you in case you need assistance.  

Please take note of some important dates; starting with Monday, July 29th our school office will open from 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Our TK/Kinder Orientation will be held on Wednesday, August 7th from 1:00-1:45 p.m. First day of school is Monday, August 12th please arrive by 8:00 a.m., breakfast is served at 7:40 a.m. Supervision for students is available starting at 7:40 a.m., please do not drop off students prior to supervision being available, we want to make sure students are supervised at all times.  Please also mark your calendar for Back to School Night, Thursday, August 22nd from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.


Everyone on staff is here to make your child’s experience a positive and rewarding one at Newhope.

I look forward to an outstanding school year. Thank you for entrusting us with your child(ren).



With great appreciation,

Eva Matthews, Newhope Principal


Estimadas familias de Newhope,

¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025! Espero que hayan tenido un verano agradable y relajado con sus seres queridos. Estoy encantada de dar la bienvenida nuevamente a nuestros estudiantes y familias. ¡Tuve el placer de conocer a muchos de ustedes durante Open House (casita abierta) y es un honor para mí tener la oportunidad de dirigir una escuela con mucha tradición! Estoy contenta por conocer a todos de ustedes y trabajar juntos.

Nuestra comunidad Newhope es verdaderamente única y la asociación con nuestras familias es fundamental para brindarle a su hijo la mejor experiencia educativa. Valoramos, apreciamos y buscamos su participación y colaboración para el éxito de su estudiante. Continuaremos brindando oportunidades para que los padres participen en ELAC, SSC, cafecito con la directora, PTO, noche de regreso a clases, jornada de puertas abiertas y muchos más eventos este año para la participación de los padres.

Junto con los maestros y el personal, trabajaré duro para continuar el éxito ya establecido. Me gustaría agradecer especialmente a la directora Avina por su dirección constante y apasionado estos últimos años y todo lo que ella y el personal han hecho para garantizar que todos los estudiantes prosperen.

Como nuestro socio en la educación de su hijo, les pido a todos los padres que ayuden a garantizar que su(s) hijo(s) llegue(n) a tiempo todos los días. Nuestro objetivo es que todos los niños estén presentes en la escuela todos los días y a tiempo. Si su hijo necesita estar fuera de la escuela por algún motivo, asegúrese de llamar a la oficina al (714) 663-6581. Espero trabajar con usted en una asociación significativa para el éxito de su hijo.

Un recordatorio favor asegurarse de obtener la aplicación ParentSquare, ya que esta es la forma principal de recibir la información más actualizada del distrito y la escuela. Además, asegúrese de completar la confirmación de datos y actualizar sus contactos de emergencia a través del Portal para padres de Aeries. La oficina de nuestra escuela siempre está aquí para ayudarlo en caso de que necesite ayuda.

Por favor tome nota de algunas fechas importantes; A partir del lunes 29 de julio, nuestra oficina escolar abrirá de 7:30 a. m. a 4:00 p. m. Nuestra orientación para TK/Kinder se llevará a cabo el miércoles 7 de agosto de 1:00 a 1:45 p.m. El primer día de clases es el lunes 12 de agosto. Favor de llegar lo más tardar a las 8:00 a. m., el desayuno se sirve a las 7:40 a. m. La supervisión para los estudiantes está disponible a partir de las 7:40 a. m., no deje a los estudiantes antes de que la supervisión esté disponible. Queremos asegurarnos de que los estudiantes sean supervisados ​​en todo momento.  Marque también en su calendario para la Noche de Regreso a Clases, el jueves 22 de agosto de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m.

Todo el personal está aquí para asegurarse que la experiencia de su estudiante sea positiva en Newhope. Espero tener un año escolar excepcional. Gracias por confiarnos a su(s) hijo(s).

Con gran aprecio,

Eva Matthews, directora de Newhope


Our School

Welcome to Newhope!

We are proud to be a neighborhood elementary school within the Garden Grove Unified School District serving the communities of Santa Ana and Fountain Valley. Newhope students enjoy a well-rounded curriculum and are supported by our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Our teachers benefit from Garden Grove’s research-based professional development which provides quality instruction to Newhope students. The Newhope campus has 3 modern playgrounds and our kindergarten playground has a covered shade patio with a modern play area. We provide a variety of academic interventions during the school day and we have an array of after-school enrichment programs. 

Programs- During The School Day & After-School

Newhope has many programs and after-school activities to benefit our students academically and beyond. Our 1:1 ratio for technology devices (Chromebooks & iPads) in grades 1-6 allows for more personalized learning. As a result, students leave Newhope with computer skills that support their transition to intermediate school. During the school day, all students enjoy a weekly vocal music class. Additionally, students in grades four through six can elect to participate in GGUSD’s award-winning instrumental program. Our fifth and sixth-grade students may also choose to participate in our chorus program.  Newhope is well known for hosting Disney Musicals in Schools and having a cast of 60+ students involved in grades 3-6.

Newhope is implementing programs to promote a positive behavior focus, where we recognize students in a monthly assembly for demonstrating our schoolwide expectations: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. We extend opportunities for students to make a positive impact on the campus through Student Council in grades 4-6. Finally, Newhope students benefit from weekly visits to our school library, which includes a wide collection of fiction and non-fiction children’s books.

After school, the Newhope campus is full of activity! We offer extended learning in a variety of academic and enrichment areas to support our students: 

  • Disney Musical In Schools: An afterschool performing arts program that begins the fall and introduces students to theatre training of song, dance, and acting with a commitment to biweekly rehearsals and performances. Profits from the production help fund and sustain this program for the next school year.
  • Boys and Girls Club Program Newhope also receives special grant funding for after-school childcare and enrichment for grades TK-6 through our on-site Boys and Girls Club program. Registration forms are available in the office.
    • Contact the Newhope Supervisor- 714-376-7651
  • Imagine Learning is a web-based program that supports our students who are new to the country with the acquisition of English. Newhope is proud to offer this tool to our English learners. 
  • AVID Elementary is a college and career framework for younger students to develop scholarly habits. Newhope is a “Certified” AVID elementary site because our teachers provide AVID study skills at every grade level. This program is designed to help students with organizational skills, and strategies to increase motivation and bring college and career awareness.
  • AVID Homework Club: Students who need more support with time management and study skills attend two days after school with AVID-trained staff. 
  • Before & After School Intervention: Teachers provide opportunities for students who need extra support with pre-teaching and reteaching of essential skills in reading, writing, and math. 
  • College and Career Mentoring Program (CCMP): Every 6th grade Newhope student is invited to participate in a 6-week college mentoring program that is led by a successful former Newhope student who is now in college. The purpose of this program is to prepare our students along the pathway to college, which includes the development of a growth mindset, goal setting, and a shared set of expectations.
  • OC GRIP is a community partnership with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office to provide prevention and intervention to students and parent education and involvement to create a safer community. In addition, the OC GRIP team partners with community organizations to help school communities. Newhope is proud to have OC GRIP support our school community.

We hope that a wide array of programs and supports will make each student reach his or her maximum potential. Please contact the office for more information on the special programs we offer.

Parent Involvement Opportunities

Newhope PTO supports many activities during the calendar year including our Fall Fundraiser, Spirit Wear Sales, After school snack sales, Jog-a-thon, Parent Dances, and fun community events. Our PTO raises funds each year to provide field trip transportation for our students and also supports all of our community events that make Newhope an inclusive and motivating school environment for our students and families. To get involved in our events and give input on the programs we offer, please attend a monthly PTO meeting or our quarterly School Site Council meetings. Also, our OC GRIP morning greeter program and our mileage club are wonderful places to volunteer on campus! If you would like to become a regular school volunteer, come by the office to pick up the GGUSD Volunteer Form. We have Spanish and Vietnamese Liaisons available daily to answer any parent questions about your child’s education.